Curriculum Development

I developed course content (PowerPoint slides, Jupyter notebooks, online problem sets and milestone projects) for the following online courses:

PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp

Learn how to create state of the art neural networks for deep learning with Facebook's PyTorch Deep Learning library! Launched 7/25/19

Python for Time Series Data Analysis

Learn how to use Python, Pandas, Numpy and Statsmodels for Time Series Forecasting and Analysis! Launched 4/4/19

NLP - Natural Language Processing with Python

Learn to use Machine Learning, Spacy, NLTK, SciKit-Learn, Deep Learning, and more to conduct Natural Language Processing Launched 12/18/18

Probability and Statistics for Business and Data Science

Learn how to apply probability and statistics to real data science and business applications! Launched 8/9/18

Interactive Python Dashboards with Plotly and Dash

Learn how to create interactive plots and intelligent dashboards with Plotly, Python, and the Dash library! Launched 4/26/18